
IDKit Release 1.36

📌 VOI Updates

  1. Configuration Option: Multi-Document Validation
    1. When enabled, if the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th documents can't be validated via OCR, the transaction will be flagged for review.
    2. As a client admin, you can enable this within Flow Settings to ensure the correctness of the secondary documents.
    3. This toggle is off by default, meaning transactions won't fail even if subsequent documents can't be validated.
  2. Document Name Matching Enhancement
    1. When verifying multiple documents, the system will validate whether the names match all documents.
    2. If names differ, users will be prompted to provide additional documentation such as a name or marriage certificate change.
    3. Users can skip this step if it's not applicable or the name is different or unknown, and transactions will proceed accordingly.
    4. Exceptions include situations where documents can't be read (e.g., descent certificates), where the previous "Is your name the same across documents" screen will be displayed with an updated header copy.
  3. Document Upload and Check Logic Improvement
    1. In the VOI V2 flow, customers verifying their IDs will receive clear feedback after uploading each document.
    2. The upload success status will be shown before progressing to the next document.
    3. If a document can't be recognized or requires additional information (e.g., back of card), users will be informed after uploading the document before proceeding to the next steps.