🎯 How to integrate with the different IDKit API Services.


Authenticate with OAuth2

You will be required to authenticate by acquiring an access_token. via OAuth2. You can refer to the Fetching an Access Token section for further explanation.

1. Create a Transaction

After fetching an access_token, send a unique URL verification link to the user by creating a transaction.

You can create a transaction using several methods, including:

  • By using a pre-built web application portal
    You can use this method by accessing the feature that is incorporated into the IDKit website portal.

  • By using the Postman
    It is also possible to create a transaction using the Postman collection. To get the IDKit Postman collection, please follow the steps here.

  • By using a custom script
    You can create a transaction by using custom scripts, i.e., in JavaScript or any other programming language.

All these methods will create a verification link, as shown below:

    "transaction_id": "your_transaction_id",
    "url": "https://example.au.idkit.com/transaction_id",
    "expires_at": "2022-04-27T09:48:10.466Z"

The user will identify themselves by accessing the generated URL. You can provide the user with the verification environment of your choice, as discussed below:

1.1 Deliver the Link via a Web Browser

The link can be delivered via a web browser using the following techniques:

  • The verification link will be sent from IDKit to the user through text messages. In this case, the user's phone number should be provided while creating the transaction.
  • You can retrieve the verification link and deliver it via your preferred method.

1.2 Use the Embedded Web View in the Mobile Application

You can embed the verification link in your mobile application. The user will run the verification process right in your application.

2. Get a Transaction

You can retrieve the verification results using the GET - Fetch a Transaction endpoint.

When you receive a notification that the user has completed a transaction, you can call the endpoint and provide the transaction ID of the user you want to retrieve the results. You can get the results either as a JSON body or a PDF file.



Head to the Webhooks page for more details on how to get notified when a user has completed a transaction.

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If you encounter an issue, a bug, or require assistance, please contact our support page here to find the solution. Don't forget to provide any important information on the issue.