πŸ“ An overview of fields to use and not to use.

1. Identity Verification Results

We will discuss the fields used to verify the results for identity verification.


We have the overall results and the results of each check. The Recommended and Not Recommended fields of results are mentioned in the following table.



There will be two kinds of fields:

  • Recommended: means the fields accepted and endorsed as true.
  • Not Recommended: means the fields that are not accepted and endorsed as true.
ChecksDescriptionRecommended FieldsNot Recommended Fields
Document Fraud CheckThis is used to check for any kind of document fraud and to know whether the document is genuine or not.

Note: The field documents[index].asf_breakdown is Recommended if DFA on the second document is enabled.
Liveness CheckTo confirm that a live person is being presented in the application process, i.e., pre-recorded images are not being used.results.livenessspoof_result
Facematch CheckThis checks that the person is the same as the person shown on the ID document.results.facematchlikeness_overall
Data Provider CheckTo give the copied data of data providers equipped by the Data provider, such as ID Matrix and Data Connect.results.datadata_provider.DATA_CONNECT.overall or data_provider.ID_MATRIX.overall
Overall ResultThis is used to check for overall results.results.overall

2. Customer Information

Customer Information contains the details of users and customer-confirmed data such as address, etc.

User Details

The Recommended and Not Recommended fields of customer confirmed data are discussed in the table below:

CategoriesDescriptionRecommended FieldsNot Recommended Fields
User DetailsTo check data extracted from the submitted document and link the customer's information with the ID document.user_detailsdocuments[index].submitted_data and documents[index].extracted
AddressTo check and verify the address.user_details.addresssubmitted_data.address and extracted.address
Country CodeTo check and verify the country code.user_details.country_codeuser_details.address.country
Document TypeTo check what kind of document has been submitted.user_details.document_typedocuments[index].identity_document_type and documents[index].extracted.document_typeand documents[index].submitted_data.document_type



The fields below are optional.

3. Document Images


The Documents contain the image URLs of the captured documents, including cropped and originals.

4. Liveness Videos/Selfies

Liveness Attempts

The liveness_attempts contains the selfie image or the liveness video URL.

5. Liveness Face Frame

Facematch Best Frame

The facematch_best_frame contains the image URL of the extracted face frame from the liveness video.

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