🤝 Customise the verification flows to meet your specific needs and understand how these configurations impact API responses.

At IDVerse, we provide a selection of flexible configurations for our verification flows, each crafted to enhance the user experience. The following sections highlight how specific configuration options can alter the API responses, facilitating a smooth integration and a seamless user experience.

NORMAL V2: Document Only

Via our API service you can create standard Normal2 and Doc Only Flow transactions, via the same client account:

  • You can create a doc_only transaction with a flag "doc_only": true in the Create Transaction payload.
    { "name": "Ernie", "reference": "Test" "flow_type": "NORMAL2", "doc_only": true }
    (Pls note: This flag in payload has higher priority than the user’s configuration in the admin portal.)

When the "Document Only" configuration is enabled, the following changes apply to the GET - Fetch a Transaction API response:

Added Fields:

Field NameTypeDescription
doc_onlyBooleanIndicates whether the transaction is based on the "Document Only" flow

Removed Fields:

  • likeness_features
  • likeness_overall
  • liveness_attempts
  • facematch_best_frame
  • face_match_capturein computed statistics
  • spoof_result

Modified Fields:

The results field will see modifications, with certain subfields such as facematch and liveness not being present as they are not applicable to the "Document Only" configuration.

  • results.facematch



  • For a detailed structure of the results field and further information on how to interpret it, please refer to the Total Result documentation.
  • The Document Only flow can easily get enabled via an IDKit administrator. To do so please contact the IDKit customer support.

VOI V2: Simple VOI

Simple VOI is also a configuration of flow VOI V2, which can be easily enabled via an IDKit admin. The API integration is the same as for VOI V2, which is also called the flow “VOI2”. Please refer to this page to learn more about this flow.

VOI V2: DFA on Secondary Document

DFA is enabled for the first document by default. If you want to enable it additionally for the second document, please contact IDVerse customer support to enable this feature. Also, please see below for the required change in your API integration.

Added Fields for Each DFA-Checked Document:

Field NameTypeDescription
documents[i].asf_document_resultStringIndicates the overall result of the DFA check on the document, with possible values of PASS or FLAGGED.
documents[i].asf_breakdownObjectProvides a detailed breakdown of the DFA check results.
documents[i].asf_checkedBooleanProvides confirmation that the document has been checked by ASF (DFA).



  • In the API response, the fields asf_document_result and asf_breakdown pertain to the results of the DFA checks. The term "ASF" is retained in the field names for backward compatibility, but the checks are referred to as DFA in all documentation.
  • Please check documents[i].asf_checked true or false before retrieving result and breakdown. Only when documents[i].asf_checked is true these can be expected to populate.

Impact on the results Field:

If DFA on the secondary document is enabled, the documents subfield within theresults will show a FLAGGED status if the asf_document_result for any document in the transaction is FLAGGED.



💬 We Are Here to Help!

If you need further assistance or have any questions about these customisation options, please contact our support page here to find the solution. We are here to help you navigate and implement these features effectively.