User Login

πŸšͺ Need to access your portal? Learn how to log in to your IDKit portal here.

  1. Go to the IDKit website and click Log In. You will be redirected to the IDKit login portal.
  1. Enter your registered Email address and Password.



The email address you put in is the same as the one reseller registered you with as a new client. The password is a secret passcode you or the reseller created, it must contain a capital letter, a number, a symbol, and a lowercase letter. The minimum number of characters is 10.

  1. Click on the "Log In" button.
  1. Enter the 6-digit code retrieved from the authenticator app when prompted.
  2. Click Next to log in.



The 6-digits code is only valid for 30 seconds. After that, the authenticator will regenerate a new code automatically.

  1. βœ… Congratulations! You have successfully logged into the IDKit portal.

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