IDV Flows

Explore our versatile ID verification options, categorised into two main flows: Single ID Verification and Multi ID Verification.

IDKit currently supports two primary UX flows, each of which can be further customised through two subset flows. The portal offers the flexibility to allow clients to select the desired flow for their users. Clients can also personalise each flow with their unique content and logos. Below, we present our four available flows:



For API integration guide, please refer to the API documentation.

1. Single ID Verification Flows

Normal V2

The flow Normal V2 requests a single document for ID verification. It offers an enhanced UI/UX mobile experience, known for its intuitiveness and improved error handling, resulting in a high customer conversion rate. A customer can generally complete the process in under 2 minutes, provided there is a sufficient internet connection available.

Normal V2: Document Only

In specific scenarios where biometric checks like liveness and facematch are not required, our "Document Only" configuration of Normal V2 comes into play. This customisation will minimise friction for the customer by removing the requirement for a selfie in the flow.

2. Multi ID Verification Flows


VOI V2 is a multi-document flow designed to meet the ARNECC requirement for Verification of Identity (VOI). It eliminates the need for in-person onboarding and empowers users to remotely verify their identity using more than one document.

VOI V2: Simple VOI

Based on our humble opinion - the way forward: This configuration streamlines our VOI V2 flow by requiring users to provide only two ID documents, simplifying the verification process whilst still aligning effectively with ARNECC guidelines.



When configuring your IDKit instance, please be aware that enabling a subset flow will render the corresponding primary flow unavailable. Carefully consider your requirements and choose the flow configuration that best aligns with your specific needs, as activating a subset flow will override the use of the primary flow.

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